Application dedicated to summer school 2023

Application letter

Dear Selection Committee,

My name is Alex Jin, and I am an aspiring 14-year-old student currently attending Southridge School in Canada. I am writing to apply for your Summer School Program for high school students.

I am deeply passionate about science and technology, particularly math and engineering. I have demonstrated this passion through my participation in various science competitions and experiments, as well as being a member of my school’s science and math club. Furthermore, I have a strong background in programming and have been learning Python and C++ in my spare time. I have a good grasp of various algorithms and data structures, and I can write programs quickly and efficiently.

I also have a basic understanding of computer hardware circuits and principles, and I have some experience with Verilog language, which allows me to develop some hardware circuits using FPGA. My experience in debate and public speaking competitions has honed my critical thinking and public speaking skills. I also have self-studied physics, chemistry, and biology and have a good understanding of various scientific concepts.

My curiosity and interest in new fields are the foundation for my achievements (You can refer to my awards here: ). My curiosity and interest drive me to constantly learn new knowledge and improve myself. As I became more familiar with computer science and mathematics, my curiosity grew as I tried to grasp a deeper understanding of the subjects that are the building blocks of our world. When I saw the Summer School Program offered by your university, I knew I cannot miss this opportunity for the program to give me the knowledge necessary to understand STEM on a deeper level and ultimately make an impact in the world.

I am a team player with a friendly and cooperative personality, strong communication skills, and a willingness to contribute to the program. I have a variety of extracurricular interests, including chess, sports, and music, and I believe that I will be able to contribute to the program’s leisure activities as well.

I am confident that my combination of skills, experiences, and passion make me a strong candidate for the program, and I am eager to contribute to the program’s success.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the program and to continue my learning journey.


Alex Jin